Sunday, 5 October 2008

A drive in the country

Aaaah,sunday afternoon and I'm still feeling rather relaxed from yesterday.
What started out as a quick drive up to the local Sainsbury's ended in a family day out in Kent!!
With some food supllies in the back of the car and several cd's just for good measure we headed up down the M20 towards Kent.
Although the weather left a lot to be desired,it was unbelievably refreshing to see all the cows,sheep and other animals freely roaming the countryside.
And with the help of the internet on my phone we managed to find a local craft centre that was a treasure cove for any crafter.
With bags full of materials and 'inspiration' we found a nice spot for dinner a cosy cup of hot chocolate before headeing back to the car and finding our way back home. So now,with lots of new 'toys' to play with, I'm off for an afternoon of crafting and making a start on the christmas rush!!

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